Competitive fencing can be overwhelming and confusing for new families. Should your fencer decide to join the competitive team, we will assign a seasoned fencing parent to help you navigate the process of joining the USFA, signing up for tournaments, what to do when you arrive at a tournament, how to help your child with equipment, uniforms, and answer any questions you might have. This will help your family’s entry into the exciting world of competitive fencing a little less confusing.

Adult Fencing and Fitness Program
It is never too late to begin fencing. Many adults start fencing as a fun way to get in shape and challenge themselves. At Elite Fencing Academy, Coach Ahmed will cater a plan to help you meet your fitness goals while learning a new skill. Be aware that fencing can be addictive. You might find yourself in a local tournament fencing other veteran fencers. Fencing is empowering, gives you self confidence and a great stress reliever. Come join us on the strip, work hard and go home with a new attitude!